Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Training At The IMA

How to make a perfect story for TAT

Lets see a picture and step by step make a story :

The weather is cloudy, is on its full swing. A young man is confronting the storm with a dash,it seems that he is ready to brave the risk and challenge the situation.

Observation of the Picture:

(Heavy rains with storm)

No human
settlement around

How a Desirable Story is to be Made?

1 It was heavily raining in the month of June 2009, it became difficult to come out of the house.--Here the stress is created.

2 At 11:30 p.m, Ajit heard a repetitive knock on his door to make immediate arrangements to hospitalize a patient of heart attack.--What led to the situation(Here the situation is responsible to originate the crisis)

3 There was no one at the patient’s home except for two ladies and kids.--What led to the situation is grabbing the stress, as the degree of difficulty is being raised along with the surrounding and attending circumstances.

4 Ajit immediately managed few medicines like life saving drugs under the telephonic advice of a heart specialist,from a nearby medical store causing no delay. He advised the ladies to administer the doses and continue minute to minute respiration.--What is going on? This situation depicts the emergency and a crisis of an urgent nature.

5 He left the place while facing the heavy cyclone with the heavy rain and within 45 min, he returned back with mobile van and a doctor, to be taken to hospital.--In this situation, the ‘Hero’ is combating the stress with the fighting spirit and resources available.

6 And with efficient and quick medical aid, the patient became comfortable within 4 hours.--What is the outcome?(This is the outcome)

Source: My Appointment with a Psychologist by Krish Nair & Anoop T.